Search For eight In Quotes 324

I still have a photo on my wall of the greatest idol I will ever have in my life and it's myself at eight. Because that's when the forces of imagination have the same value as the real world when they're an instrument of survival: when my mother disappeared and I imagined a mother. That was me at my best.

And you know whether it's drama or comedy the best work is based on truth. It's just that with comedy the circumstances are just crazy-heightened and you have these crazy things thrown at you. But you still have to do it truthfully because that's where the humor comes from. So it's not that difficult to cross over.

All the people who follow me on Twitter know my sense of humor. I sometimes forget the blogosphere will give it more weight than I intended.

I don't need someone with a hot body. He can be fat or overweight and have a belly. It's very much about style and substance and humor interest curiosity and really being smart.

I for one hope that youth will again revolt and again demoralize the dead weight of conformity that now lies upon us.

My divorce came to me as a complete surprise. That's what happens when you haven't been home in eighteen years.

I exercise about 40 minutes a day and I'll run one day and do circuit training the next day. I live in an area where there are brilliant hills and mountains so I get a good hill run with my dog. At home I'll do the circuit training with old weights along with pull-ups in the trees and that sort of stuff.

Drama can feel like therapy whereas comedy feels like there's been a pressure and a weight lifted off of you. You come to work and you laugh all day you go home and you feel light and there's a certain feeling when you're sitting with the audience and they leave after 90 minutes and it's just pure escapism and they're happy.

I get so frustrated when people tell me it's unrealistic to create an eight-month emergency savings fund or have money saved for a home down payment or pay off their $5 000 credit card balance.

Those nations have a very great responsibility at this juncture of the world's affairs for by throwing their joint weight into the scales of history on the right side they may tip the balance decisively in favour of peace.

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There's something pleasing about large well-lit spaces. I love that dealers are willing to take massive chances in order to give this much room to their artists. Most of all I love that more galleries showing more art gives more artists a shot.