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Well first of all we've got to get away from being offended by the truth. We've seen a 41 percent increase in food stamp recipients across the United States of America since President Obama was sworn in in January 2009. That has nothing to do with black white Hispanic or whatever. It's a fact and we need to you know deal with that.

For a good workout I go to At One Fitness in North Hollywood where my trainer Jon Allsop puts me through it all. I like it because it's a small gym and I've known the people for a long time. Jon will have me do cross-training where I'll lift weights jump rope throw around a medicine ball and I never get to stop.

I believe it's extremely important to include some other type of fitness activity in your training so cross training will help you to avoid injury when you are dancing.

I define fear as standing across the ring from Joe Louis and knowing he wants to go home early.

As long as enough people can be frightened then all people can be ruled. That is how it works in a democratic system and mass fear becomes the ticket to destroy rights across the board.

I have also just finished three weeks on a soap opera in England. The soap opera is a rather famous one called Crossroads. It was first on television 25 years ago and it has recently been brought back. I play the part of a businessman called David Wheeler.

It's been real weird. It wasn't how I expected my life to turn out. Especially mainly pertaining to the show. It never crossed my mind that one day I'm gonna be big and famous and have my own TV show you know?

The first pork-barrel bill that crosses my desk I'm going to veto it and make the authors of those pork-barrel items famous all over America.

Our top story tonight: Famous TV dolphin flipper was arrested today on prostitution ring charges. He allegedly was seen transporting two 16 year olds across state line for immoral porpoises.

The American people know what's necessary to get this economy moving again. It's fiscal discipline in Washington D.C. and across-the-board tax relief for working families small businesses and family farms.