Search For countries In Quotes 167

A safe and nutritionally adequate diet is a basic individual right and an essential condition for sustainable development especially in developing countries.

There are hundreds of Frank Lloyd Wright buildings around the United States and in other countries too. Wright lived into his 90s and one of his most famous buildings the Guggenheim Museum in New York was completed just before his death. Wright buildings look like Wright buildings - that is their paradox.

When Brian told me he grew up in New Mexico I told him I thought it is cool that people from other countries play football. He corrected me on my geography and agreed to sit down with me anyway.

We've been working now with computers and education for 30 years computers in developing countries for 20 years and trying to make low-cost machines for 10 years. This is not a sudden turn down the road.

In the past missionaries have traveled to far countries with the message of the gospel - with great hardship and often with the loss of life. In contrast we can reach millions instantly from the comfort of our homes by merely hitting the 'send' button on our computers or with iPads or phones.

You don't have any communication between the Israelis and the Iranians. You have all sorts of local triggers for conflict. Having countries act on a hair trigger - where they can't afford to be second to strike - the potential for a miscalculation or a nuclear war through inadvertence is simply too high.

Countries such as the U.S. and Britain have taken it upon themselves to decide for us in the developing world even to interfere in our domestic affairs and to bring about what they call regime change.

When you put gas in your car you are making a political statement because you are supporting the empires that control and continue the destruction of some countries.

A firm for instance that does business in many countries of the world is driven to spend an enormous amount of time labour and money in providing for translation services.

Writing fiction has become a priestly business in countries that have lost their faith.

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I was in the room with you know more than a dozen Republicans trying to negotiate the stimulus. Most of them decided the politics of the situation meant they should walk away even if it wasn't responsible in terms of what our country needed right then.