Search For advance In Quotes 166

The major advances in speed of communication and ability to interact took place more than a century ago. The shift from sailing ships to telegraph was far more radical than that from telephone to email!

In science the important thing is to modify and change one's ideas as science advances.

Progress however of the best kind is comparatively slow. Great results cannot be achieved at once and we must be satisfied to advance in life as we walk step by step.

It is well known that Beauty does not look with a good grace on the timid advances of Humour.

What matters to me is that I do what I think is right and I see I'm a numbers guy that's my attitude. I know we have a debt tsunami coming we are bankrupting this country and I'm in a position where I can actually advance ideas to prevent that from happening. That's exactly what I should be doing.

One of the main reasons I am so drawn to Hitchcock is that he planned his shots way in advance on story-boards which he designed like classic paintings (he was an art connoisseur). It's why he found shooting on set boring - because he had already composed the film in his head.

After World War II great strides were made in modern Japanese architecture not only in advanced technology allowing earthquake resistant tall buildings but expressing and infusing characteristics of traditional Japanese architecture in modern buildings.

The greatest advances of civilization whether in architecture or painting in science and literature in industry or agriculture have never come from centralized government.

Presently the Commission for Commemorating 350 Years of American Jewish History has been brought about to encourage and sponsor a variety of historical activities that advance our understanding of the American Jewish experience as it marks this milestone anniversary.

It was amazing to watch him in the darkroom at an advanced age still get excited when the results were pleasing. He still struggled like we all do in the darkroom and he struggled behind the camera and when he had a success he was beaming.

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No matter how corrupt and unjust a convict may be he loves fairness more than anything else. If the people placed over him are unfair from year to year he lapses into an embittered state characterized by an extreme lack of faith.