Search For rough In Quotes 1696

Only through art can we emerge from ourselves and know what another person sees.

Surely all art is the result of one's having been in danger of having gone through an experience all the way to the end where no one can go any further.

The bad gains respect through imitation the good loses it especially in art.

Were I called on to define very briefly the term Art I should call it 'the reproduction of what the Senses perceive in Nature through the veil of the soul.' The mere imitation however accurate of what is in Nature entitles no man to the sacred name of 'Artist.'

A man's work is nothing but this slow trek to rediscover through the detours of art those two or three great and simple images in whose presence his heart first opened.

It is through art and through art only that we can realise our perfection.

The artist one day falls through a hole in the brambles and from that moment he is following the dark rapids of an underground river which may sometimes flow so near to the surface that the laughing picnic parties are heard above.

If you do not breathe through writing if you do not cry out in writing or sing in writing then don't write because our culture has no use for it.

After about the first Millennium Italy was the cradle of Romanesque architecture which spread throughout Europe much of it extending the structural daring with minimal visual elaboration.

The process I go through in the art and the architecture I actually want it to be almost childlike. Sometimes I think it's magical.