When I was a little girl rocking my little dolls I remember thinking I would be the world's best mom and so far I've done it.
Mothers always find ways to fit in the work - but then when you're working you feel that you should be spending time with your children and then when you're with your children you're thinking about working.
When women are depressed they eat or go shopping. Men invade another country. It's a whole different way of thinking.
Aristotle could have avoided the mistake of thinking that women have fewer teeth than men by the simple device of asking Mrs. Aristotle to keep her mouth open while he counted.
People who have no hold over their process of thinking are likely to be ruined by liberty of thought. If thought is immature liberty of thought becomes a method of converting men into animals.
Guys are simple... women are not simple and they always assume that men must be just as complicated as they are only way more mysterious. The whole point is guys are not thinking much. They are just what they appear to be. Tragically.
When men yield up the privilege of thinking the last shadow of liberty quits the horizon.
All the problems of the world could be settled easily if men were only willing to think. The trouble is that men very often resort to all sorts of devices in order not to think because thinking is such hard work.
Rarely do we find men who willingly engage in hard solid thinking. There is an almost universal quest for easy answers and half-baked solutions. Nothing pains some people more than having to think.
Most men when they think they are thinking are merely rearranging their prejudices.
You want to put out a TV show? If you have the money to do it on your own by yourself and you have a TV network you can do it by yourself. But the nature of the beast is art needs finance. That's how this industry works. So until the Internet becomes our source of entertainment - and watch it I believe it will - this is how things go.