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I was one of those people who put too much emphasis on work and career and material possessions and it took its toll on all my relationships on my physical health my emotional and mental health.

Life is to be fortified by many friendships. To love and to be loved is the greatest happiness of existence.

I really think that there was a great advantage in many ways to being a woman. I think we are a lot better at personal relationships and then have the capability obviously of telling it like it is when it's necessary.

Corporations often partner with government after natural disasters as many companies did in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina in 2005. As a rule however long-term civic/corporate partnerships are still rare .But this need not remain the status quo as many opportunities are available for such partnerships.

The relationships that people have - that are sexual psychological emotional - these relationships are not open to supervision by parents schools churches or government. Nobody has any right to intervene at all in any kind of relationship like that.

History proves that all dictatorships all authoritarian forms of government are transient. Only democratic systems are not transient. Whatever the shortcomings mankind has not devised anything superior.

I learnt a whole lot from my mother. About music relationships being a good person loving people the whole of life. I learnt about everything from her. Every single day I think about her. All through the day.

People who have good relationships at home are more effective in the marketplace.

Sooner or later man has always had to decide whether he worships his own power or the power of God.

Even during the worst hardships when the other things in our lives seem to fall apart we can still find peace in the eternal love of God.