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My parents were both in show business. My father was an actor my mom an actress and both singers dancers and actors. They met in Los Angeles doing a play together and so I grew up in a show biz family.

Before I was a mom I used to think that parents who worried about their kids watching MTV were just clueless. Now that I'm a mom I see what the fuss was all about!

My parents and my grandfather on my mom's side would travel the earth. They went to Australia and China and they went to probably every soccer game I ever played.

I have a 16 year-old son so I'm now a soccer mom. I stand on the sidelines and I hear the things parents are saying so I want them to understand what it is their kids are feeling in any sports environment.

Not that we didn't have close relationships with our parents - I'm very close to my mom - but parents didn't think anything of going off for a few weeks and leaving their kids.

Our parents are obviously proud but they're still trying to get used to the fact that we're in a band. I have a feeling my mom would actually like One Direction if I wasn't in it!

Miami Beach - that's where I grew up in a middle-class Jewish family led by my maternal grandfather. Me my great-grandmother - a Holocaust survivor who was my roommate - my grandparents my mom and her brother all shared a four-bedroom house.

My parents are wonderful and I'm really lucky - but my mom has always been almost exclusively a right-brained person.

There is nothing worse that a thirteen-year-old boy. You're embarrassed by your parents and you're trying to find your independance because deep inside you are so dependent on your mom.

President Obama's fight for rural America is personal. He was raised by a single mom and grandparents from Kansas. He hails from a farming state Illinois.