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I was dating my first boyfriend in high school for a long time and we broke up before prom. I hadn't met anyone else that I really wanted to go with and my friends have always been amazing. So I went with my friends and got a million photos with them!

I mean we've built a lot of products that we think are good and will help people share photos and share videos and write messages to each other. But it's really all about how people are spreading Facebook around the world in all these different countries. And that's what's so amazing about the scale that it's at today.

Most photographers work best alone myself included.

I love photo sessions. I'm alone I'm the queen everyone's taking care of me.

Photography can never grow up if it imitates some other medium. It has to walk alone it has to be itself.

Photography alone of the arts seems perfected to serve the desire humans have for a moment - this very moment - to stay.

There's one Baldessari work I genuinely love and would like to own maybe because of my Midwestern roots and love of driving alone. 'The backs of all the trucks passed while driving from Los Angeles to Santa Barbara California Sunday 20 January 1963' consists of a grid of 32 small color photographs depicting just what the title says.

I just yesterday returned from a trip where I photographed a woman with two children whom I photographed first when she was the age of the older of the two children.

I've been going through photos of my mother looking back on her life and trying to put it into context. Very few people age gracefully enough to be photographed through their aging.

Photography suits the temper of this age - of active bodies and minds. It is a perfect medium for one whose mind is teeming with ideas imagery for a prolific worker who would be slowed down by painting or sculpting for one who sees quickly and acts decisively accurately.