Search For lance In Quotes 233

The price of freedom is eternal vigilance.

As a freelance writer I'd be asked to become an expert for various magazines on any subject whether food or wine or history or the life span of veterinarians. I was completely unschooled in any of these things.

You have to find a balance with food in your life - you can't take out food. It can be absolutely terrifying.

For me food is all about balance. If you eat plenty of fruits vegetables and an appropriate amount of poultry fish and red meat that are sourced from good places you're doing well. It's important to make sure that the meat you're consuming is hormone-free.

The food pyramid is very complicated. It doesn't give you as much info in a quick glance as the plate does.

Research has shown that even small amounts of processed food alter the chemical balance in our brain and cause negative mood swings along with noticeable dips ill energy.

We must pay greater attention to keeping our bodies and minds healthy and able to heal. Yet we are making it difficult for our defences to work. We allow things to be sold that should not be called food. Many have no nutritive value and lead to obesity salt imbalance and allergies.

Fitness is a curve. You can be Lance Armstrong or you can be really out of shape at the opposite end. People enter the curve wherever they are and then they can move up the curve by better nutrition and better exercise.

So I've broadened the fitness concept to make it one of moderation and balance.

I have a fear of poverty in old age. I have this vision of myself living in a skip and eating cat food. It's because I'm freelance and I've never had a proper job. I don't have a pension and my savings are dwindling. I always thought someone would just come along and look after me.

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It's all too easy when talking about female gymnasts to fall into the trap of infantilizing them spending more time worrying more about female vulnerability than we do celebrating female strength.