Search For feelin In Quotes 501

I've programmed myself musically to come up with love-feeling tracks that are romantic sexy but classy all in one. And that's the challenge. Once I create that music then the lyrical content starts to come - you know the stories and things like that.

Singing is just a feeling set to music.

If you make music for the human needs you have within yourself then you do it for all humans who need the same things. You enrich humanity with the profound expression of these feelings.

To re-embrace what I once loved about music has been a warming process for me because it's a good earned feeling now.

I've got a feeling that music might not be the most interesting place to be in the world of things.

I think we're about ready for a new feeling to enter music. I think that will come from the Arabic world.

I don't have any real spirituality in my life - I'm kind of an atheist - but when music can take me to the highest heights it's almost like a spiritual feeling. It fills that void for me.

Life is like music it must be composed by ear feeling and instinct not by rule. Nevertheless one had better know the rules for they sometimes guide in doubtful cases though not often.

Music is a means of giving form to our inner feelings without attaching them to events or objects in the world.

Life is like music it must be composed by ear feeling and instinct not by rule.

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My parents and librarians along the way taught me about the space between words about the margins where so many juicy moments of life and spirit and friendship could be found. In a library you could find miracles and truth and you might find something that would make you laugh so hard that you get shushed in the friendliest way.