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Sometimes airport security people recognize me. I'll go through the whole screening process and at the end they'll go 'Hey man I really like your work.' That's so cool.

I always thought it would be really cool to be playing the drums in the show and then have your astral body or whatever travel all through the audience and dig whatever it's like out there.

My mother used to take me to flea markets in my stroller and I would just rummage through the piles. You've got to dig through the overstuffed racks that everyone else just walks by. It's the only way to find the cool stuff.

There's no point in swanning through and being cool as a breeze in every scene. It's not really that interesting. Even if you're a superhero.

When I look at President Obama I see a leader with a cool head a caring heart and an open mind a president who has demonstrated through his demeanor and through his deeds that he is uniquely qualified to heal our divisions rebuild our nation and lead us to a brighter future together.

I'm constantly pitching one episode where we see life through Castle's eyes. I think Castle's just a little off as far as his perception goes. A very very clever man but I want to see the world as Castle sees it - kind of a rose-colored glasses all the women find him irresistible all the guys find him super cool and do whatever he says.

Most of an award-show host's job is showing up and keeping a cool head and soldiering through it whether it's the Oscars or the Hallmark Channel's 'Hero Dog Awards.'

It's cool to express myself but I've had to learn that doing interviews isn't completely therapy - spilling everything about yourself isn't healthy all the time. But I've been through things that have made me a stronger person and if I can help some people I will.

There's been a lot of really cool stuff that's happened to me throughout my career and I remember everything but I don't think I savored every moment of it like I should have or like I do now.

I was never considered cool throughout my teens: a very important time to be accepted by someone especially your peers. Yes I had all the screaming women but the guys hated my guts.