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I used to be scared of women. When I was very young they terrified me but discovering the female universe was incredible and still is to this day as you never stop learning about them.

I am honored that my freshman class colleagues have put their trust in me to represent our historic class at the leadership table. The incoming freshman class of Representatives is large and diverse but we share many common goals including cutting wasteful spending getting our economy back on track and making government smarter and more efficient.

In fact the converse is true: At a time when the United States has been called on for a level of moral leadership vision and inspiration not seen since World War II we cannot afford to dissemble about crimes against humanity.

I look for what needs to be done. After all that's how the universe designs itself.

In any case in so far as our knowledge of the universe carries us the advent of civilization for the first time on our globe represents the highest ascent of the life processes to which evolution had anywhere attained.

I have discovered in 20 years of moving around a ballpark that the knowledge of the game is usually in inverse proportion to the price of the seats.

The study and knowledge of the universe would somehow be lame and defective were no practical results to follow.

The degree of one's emotions varies inversely with one's knowledge of the facts.

It is not difficult for me to have this faith for it is incontrovertible that where there is a plan there is intelligence - an orderly unfolding universe testifies to the truth of the most majestic statement ever uttered - 'In the beginning God.'

Of course I believe in aliens. I think it's very egocentric to think that there's nothing else with intelligence in the whole universe.