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I said it was my feeling that the American people would struggle for peace and that has since been underscored by the President of these United States.

I am President of the UN created University for Peace which has a strong commitment to the relationship between peace security and the environment. I meet with young people around the world and I always come away enthused and encouraged.

I am 73 years old. I've seen everything. I've met the kings the queens the presidents I've been around the world. I have one thing that I would like to do: to try to reach peace.

Whatever efforts for peace President Gorbachev had in mind they were pretty substantially undercut very swiftly by Saddam Hussein.

When I am speaking about American presidents I have to speak about my very special relations with President Clinton. He contributed more to peace than anybody else in the American sense.

You know I said in the U.N. I said to President Abbas 'Look we're in the same city we're in the same building for God's sake the U.N. Let's just sit down and begin to talk peace.'

I came to the conclusion that in order to end racial barriers I needed to run for the office of the president and put forth an agenda of social justice and world peace. In addition I concluded that someone needed to run and challenge the liberal orthodoxy.

Four years of Jimmy Carter gave us two titanic Reagan landslides peace and prosperity for eight blessed years - and even a third term for his feckless vice president George H.W. Bush.

Mr. President prime ministers let us have ambitions: ambitions to move beyond the violence and occupation to the day when two states Palestine and Israel can live together side by side in peace and security.

When I was elected President nobody asked me to negotiate between Israel and Egypt. It was not even a question raised in my campaign. But I felt that one of the reasons that I was elected President was to try to bring peace to the Holy Land.

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The wisdom of crowds works when the crowd is choosing the price of an ox when there's a single numeric average. But if it's a design or something that matters the decision is made by committee and that's crap. You want people and groups who are able to think thoughts before they share.