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The best anti-aging advice I've ever received? Drink a lot of water and have a plant-based diet. I also do mindful meditation with my daughter every day. It takes ten minutes. I think reducing stress plays a big part in anti-aging.

I was extended secret service protection during my presidential run in 1984 when I received the most death threats ever made toward a candidate.

I grew up between the two world wars and received a rather solid general education the kind middle class children enjoyed in a country whose educational system had its roots dating back to the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy.

The worst advice I ever received from my dad was to play by the book.

When a father absent during the day returns home at six his children receive only his temperament not his teaching.

In this work I have received the opposition of a number of men who only advocate the unobtainable because the immediately possible is beyond their moral courage administrative ability and their political prescience.

I get really cool gifts and I know this sounds really lame but I think one of the best gifts I've ever received was the Easy Bake Oven when I was younger. When I was little I loved to bake! I want to get one now so I can make weird mini desserts for people.

But communication is two-sided - vital and profound communication makes demands also on those who are to receive it... demands in the sense of concentration of genuine effort to receive what is being communicated.

The way of the Creative works through change and transformation so that each thing receives its true nature and destiny and comes into permanent accord with the Great Harmony: this is what furthers and what perseveres.

The day I won an Emmy was also the day my father passed away. I received a call from my sister on the way to the ceremony and had to turn my car around and catch the first flight back to Karachi.

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The design of those commissioners frigates and warlike force is directed rather against Long Island and these your Honors' possessions than to the imagined reform of New England.