Search For plain In Quotes 271

Those who knew Lincoln described him as an extraordinarily funny man. Humor was an essential aspect of his temperament. He laughed he explained so he did not weep.

Joe Barbera's s always complaining that he can't get humor into cartoons anymore. Just do it. You've got your money. Why do they let the networks run their lives?

I love the diversity of America. I love the plain normal sense of humor Americans have. It is not wicked like in some countries. And I also love how new America is.

Feature-length film comedy is harder to pull off than the episodic sitcom - it doesn't have the same factory machinery up and running teams of writers putting familiar characters through permutations - but that doesn't explain the widening quality gap that makes movie humor look like a genetic defective.

I hope to refine music study it try to find some area that I can unlock. I don't quite know how to explain it but it's there. These can't be the only notes in the world there's got to be other notes some place in some dimension between the cracks on the piano keys.

Whiskey's to tough Champagne costs too much Vodka puts my mouth in gear. I hope this refrain Will help me explain As a matter of fact I like beer.

I hope that posterity will judge me kindly not only as to the things which I have explained but also to those which I have intentionally omitted so as to leave to others the pleasure of discovery.

It's like now you're actually complaining because you're making $9 million and guys are making more? If it makes you that upset quit. Leave the game. Go home then and try finding another job that's going to pay you that.

I don't know what my label is. I just think of myself as a plain forward. I like to think I have some finesse to my game but inside the paint is where men are made. If you can't play there you should be home with your mama.

We used to go to the pictures every Saturday night but we had to leave a little bit early and get home and watch Match of the Day - and my wife still complains she missed the last five minutes of every film we saw.

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My dad grew up in a working-class Jewish neighbourhood and I got a scholarship from my dad's union to go to college. I went there to get an education not as an extension of privilege.