Search For organization In Quotes 136

The organizational architecture is really that a centipede walks on hundred legs and one or two don't count. So if I lose one or two legs the process will go on the organization will go on the growth will go on.

The team architecture means setting up an organization that helps people produce that great work in teams.

I always knew that St. Jude was an amazing organization but meeting the kids and seeing how the hospital works first hand was truly beautiful. It doesn't feel like a regular hospital all dreary and sad. It's a colorful beautiful comfortable fun place to live and the energy is wonderful.

For the past 21 years I've been privileged to be part of an amazing organization called the International Women's Media Foundation.

The methods by which a trade union can alone act are necessarily destructive its organization is necessarily tyrannical.

In any great organization it is far far safer to be wrong with the majority than to be right alone.