Search For mater In Quotes 222

Start living now. Stop saving the good china for that special occasion. Stop withholding your love until that special person materializes. Every day you are alive is a special occasion. Every minute every breath is a gift from God.

If you build up the soil with organic material the plants will do just fine.

As we divest ourselves of once familiar physical objects - digitize and dematerialize - we approach a 'Star Trek' future in which everything can be accessed from the fourth dimension with a few clicks or terse audibles.

Yes I believe blue material is funny but if that's all you've got you're dead in the water. It's not good.

You can't be funny if you don't have good material.

The most important thing is to write material that YOU think is funny. If you don't think it's funny but you're convinced that other people will think it is well they won't.

I am accusing him of stealing my best material he was a very funny man.

So that's why one of my rules of parody writing is that it's gotta be funny regardless of whether you know the source material. It has to work on its own merit.

To stop terrorists before the strike we must do three things: deny them entry into the country curtail their freedom of action inside the country and deprive them of material and moral support from within the country.

That feeling of freedom open highways of possibilities has kind of been lost to materialism and marketing.

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We had every problems starting a big top could have. The tent fell down on the first day. We had problems getting people into the shows. It was only with the courage and arrogance of youth that we survived.