Search For laying In Quotes 364

Thanks to the greatest invention of recent years the MP3-playing alarm clock I can now choose the song that wakes me up in the morning.

I think about baseball when I wake up in the morning. I think about it all day and I dream about it at night. The only time I don't think about it is when I'm playing it.

President Obama has outsourced a major portion of the U.S. space program to the Russians. That's national policy. Taxpayer money. So let's stop playing games with this outsourcing distortion and talk about the fact that when we need is a president that knows how to manage big enterprise and create jobs.

Money is not a motivating factor. Money doesn't thrill me or make me play better because there are benefits to being wealthy. I'm just happy with a ball at my feet. My motivation comes from playing the game I love. If I wasn't paid to be a professional footballer I would willingly play for nothing.

For as long as I've been acting I have been very lucky to be paired with really great actresses playing my mom.

I love playing moms. It's a lot easier than being a mom I hear.

I've had Susan Sarandon play my mom and now Lesley Ann Warren has played my mom so if I could have Debra Winger play my mom then I would have the trifecta of my favorite actresses playing my mother.

I'm a competitive person and it is in my nature to try hard in every match I play. The only time I'm not competitive is when I'm playing against my mom.

It's fun to play mom. Last I knew I was playing a 17-year-old who graduated.

I grew up painting and playing piano so when I was a little kid I thought I was going to be an artist or a painter but my mom had me taking piano lessons for about 10-12 years as a young kid.