Search For intelligence In Quotes 527

Human beings exercise responsibilities within a social setting and a framework of obligations which transcend the principle of intelligence.

As liberty and intelligence have increased the people have more and more revolted against the theological dogmas that contradict common sense and wound the tenderest sensibilities of the soul.

I've gotten to go wonderful places meet interesting and intelligent people and I started of course in the theatre and continue to work in the theatre where there is some intelligence involved in it.

If they had said my writing wasn't good enough fair enough that's an opinion. But to say it's too complex is to insult the intelligence of the so-called young.

I think intelligence is usually sexy until it becomes irritating. After that you're stuck.

But by providing the background picture - the universal situational awareness that we desire - by showing the anomalies the Space-Based Radar will change the nature of how we do our analysis and our intelligence.

One is to ensure that the war fighters and the intelligence analysts get the information that they need when they need it in a format that's useful to them.

Over the course of two years we arrived at a point where we began to look at the value added by making information more easily accessible across the intelligence community both defense and national.

We have been working hard to think about what our combined needs are going to be in the way of intelligence capabilities not today but 15 to 20 years in the future.

And I argued with that intelligence estimate and I think it is a responsibility of policymakers to use their best judgment on the basis of the intelligence they've received.