Search For educate In Quotes 153

Untutored courage is useless in the face of educated bullets.

And it's here and it's ready and we can really revolutionize the way we educate our children with tablet computers and I'm committed to doing whatever I can to speaking to whomever I can to send this signal - to pound this message home. Now is the time.

Hip-hop is supposed to uplift and create to educate people on a larger level and to make a change.

You are educated. Your certification is in your degree. You may think of it as the ticket to the good life. Let me ask you to think of an alternative. Think of it as your ticket to change the world.

The only person who is educated is the one who has learned how to learn and change.

I'm afraid for all those who'll have the bread snatched from their mouths by these machines. What business has science and capitalism got bringing all these new inventions into the works before society has produced a generation educated up to using them!

You can rule ignorance you can manipulate the illiterate you can do whatever you want when a people are uneducated so that goes in line with corrupt business and corrupt politics.

The best audience is intelligent well-educated and a little drunk.

America is the best half-educated country in the world.

In our so-called democracy we are accustomed to give the majority what they want rather than educate them to understand what is best for them.