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Birdie is amazing and such an incredible child and I'm having such a great time being a mom but I still want to have a career and I still look forward to auditions and parts and when I don't get them I'm disappointed.

Pilates is amazing my posture is so much better and I'm even starting to get muscles on my tummy - it's incredible.

I really liked the helicopter pilot in 'Dawn of the Dead' when he gets bitten and comes out of the elevator. That guy was amazing. He did this incredible walk that we didn't even know about until we started shooting.

I got amazing training both with Theatre Sports... back in Edmonton Alberta - I can't give those people enough credit - and the daytime drama I did. Incredible training both of them.

If you think you don't want to play another psychopath but the script is amazing and the director is fantastic and the story is incredible then you may end up playing your third psychopath in a row.

I've got some incredible fans actually - so loyal and they make me birthday cards and Christmas cards. I got this package of poems and artwork based around the songs. They've got this thing called 'Floetry' where they all have to put in artwork. They've set up their own competitions and stuff which is kind of amazing.

I have always admired and had enormous respect for Elizabeth Taylor. She was not only an incredible actress but an amazing woman as well.

There is nothing like the way people feel after they've seen 'The Intouchables.' They feel amazing. The word of mouth on this film is incredible. It's intelligent-feeling good. You're not insulted by the low-browness or stupidity of some of the humor. It's so smart and terrific.

We were really grown up for our age and it was an incredible special band.