Search For decide In Quotes 285

I don't remember deciding to become a writer. You decide to become a dentist or a postman. For me writing is like being gay. You finally admit that this is who you are you come out and hope that no one runs away.

Loss of hope rather than loss of life is what decides the issues of war. But helplessness induces hopelessness.

If someone decides to be a musician now it means because there is no hope of money at the end of it it means they really want to be a musician. And if someone is writing now there is no hope for money at the end of it.

I made a real specific decision when I came out of school and most artists were writing about home - if you were a woman you were writing about being a woman - and I decided not to do that write about what you know. That's not what I do. I went as far away from home as possible in terms of the development of my imagination.

They pick all of us out and then they decide they computerize decide if they like it or don't like it and then they go home and then they come back again because they're not sure what they saw.

My wife and I had decided not to let anybody take pictures of our home because it was just the last place on earth we had that was unscathed. But people have climbed over the fence they've taken aerial shots. They've gotten my address and put it on the Internet.

I had a lot of dates but I decided to stay home and dye my eyebrows.

Analogies it is true decide nothing but they can make one feel more at home.

Helplessness induces hopelessness and history attests that loss of hope and not loss of lives is what decides the issue of war.

Unlike any other leader in modern American history we are led today by a president that has decided to pit Americans against each other.

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Revolution! The people howls and cries Freedom that's what we're needing! We've needed it for centuries our arteries are bleeding. The stage is shaking the audience rock. The whole thing is over by nine o'clock.