Search For avoid In Quotes 157

In the Lamborghini I have to avoid certain roads because of pot holes and there's nowhere to put my drink no cup holder. And I'm not going to lie it looks pretentious. I used to think it was cool to like drive it to dinner. Now? Like I really need to be looked at any more.

States are looking for low-cost solutions that will enable better communication while avoiding the danger in which the chain of command breaks down in emergencies. We do not want everyone talking to everyone else all the time.

It is difficult to imagine how any behavior in the presence of another person can avoid being a communication of one's own view of the nature of one's relationship with that person and how it can fail to influence that person.

Doubt is an uneasy and dissatisfied state from which we struggle to free ourselves and pass into the state of belief while the latter is a calm and satisfactory state which we do not wish to avoid or to change to a belief in anything else.

My point is that perceptual bias can affect nut jobs and scientists alike. If we hold too rigidly to what we think we know we ignore or avoid evidence of anything that might change our mind.

Polite and velvety leaders who take care to avoid bruising others are generally not as effective at forcing change.

Believe it or not lots of people change their majors and abandon their dreams just to avoid a couple of math classes in college.

Never Have Your Dog Stuffed is really advice to myself a reminder to myself not to avoid change or uncertainty but to go with it to surf into change.

The only sense that is common in the long run is the sense of change and we all instinctively avoid it.

It is quite annoying that we have to change the sound we invented just to avoid sounding like people who simply copy us but... it is flattering and of course challenging.