Search For approach In Quotes 180

I still indulge in a glass of wine or chocolate - treats are mandatory. Without deviating from the day-to-day healthy diet once in a while it wouldn't be sustainable for me and that's what I wanted: an approach to eating to last my entire life.

Bodybuilding is much like any other sport. To be successful you must dedicate yourself 100% to your training diet and mental approach.

That's a hobby of mine - to do whatever I can for unusual for-hire creative projects. I am waiting for someone to really challenge me - obviously I'm often approached to do film related work but I would be very happy to design a bar or an amusement park ride. I would love to be an imagineer!

When I design buildings I think of the overall composition much as the parts of a body would fit together. On top of that I think about how people will approach the building and experience that space.

Individuals approaching death often experience encounters with their dead relatives who seem to welcome them to the next world. These deathbed visions are authentic and convincing they are often followed by a state of euphoria and seem to ease the transition.

The approach of death certainly concentrates the mind.

Does not the very word 'creative' mean to build to initiate to give out to act - rather than to be acted upon to be subjective? Living photography is positive in its approach it sings a song of life - not death.

I'm quite sensitive to women. I saw how my sister got treated by boyfriends. I read this thing that said when you are in a relationship with a woman imagine how you would feel if you were her father. That's been my approach for the most part.

My dad was an engineer and he became the CEO of Chevron. His was an engineer's mind-set: Everything's kind of a problem how do you approach the problem?

Working with my dad was such a gas. We approached the work in a similar way. We only made two films together when I was an adult Tucker and Blown Away but it was so much fun to play with your parent like that.