Search For advantage In Quotes 154

There are many challenges there are many obstacles let us try to change the obstacles to advantages.

One of the advantages of moving quickly is if you do something wrong you can change it. What technologies tend to do is they tend to make a lot of mistakes... but then we go back and aggressively attack those mistakes - and fix them. And you usually recover pretty quickly.

A lot of people resist transition and therefore never allow themselves to enjoy who they are. Embrace the change no matter what it is once you do you can learn about the new world you're in and take advantage of it.

Sometimes when my wife and I were going out to dinner I would take my laptop with me and work in the car so as to take advantage of the half hour going and coming.

Most people have no idea how to politely answer a phone. The English do and it's been their only major business advantage for the past two centuries.

For the first time we're allowing developers who don't work at Facebook to develop applications just as if they were. That's a big deal because it means that all developers have a new way of doing business if they choose to take advantage of it. There are whole companies that are forming whose only product is a Facebook Platform application.

Being tall is an advantage especially in business. People will always remember you. And if you're in a crowd you'll always have some clean air to breathe.

An organization's ability to learn and translate that learning into action rapidly is the ultimate competitive advantage.

Rest assured that whatever station of life we are placed princely or lowly it contains the lessons and experiences necessary at the moment for our evolution and gives us the best advantage for the development of ourselves.

A grave blockhead should always go about with a lively one - they show one another off to the best advantage.