Search For rough In Quotes 1696

Through the harsh design of fate Florida was dealt the unfortunate circumstances of bearing the brunt of not one but two hurricanes and it appears more dark clouds are poised to visit the Sunshine State.

User-centered design means working with your users all throughout the project.

What I've learned from different designers is that it's key to be true to who you are and your vision. That's always been my line of thinking. Working through the whole design process I don't want to create something I wouldn't be proud to wear.

A jellyfish is little more than a pulsating bell a tassel of trailing tentacles and a single digestive opening through which it both eats and excretes - as regrettable an example of economy of design as ever was.

In giving us children God places us in a position of both leadership and service. He calls us to give up our lives for someone else's sake - to abandon our own desires and put our child's interests first. Yet according to His perfect design it is through this selflessness that we can become truly fulfilled.

The design of the Mac wasn't what it looked like although that was part of it. Primarily it was how it worked. To design something really well you have to get it. You have to really grok what it's all about. It takes a passionate commitment to really thoroughly understand something chew it up not just quickly swallow it.

I have sometimes imagined my own death and brought myself to tears.

We worry about the seemingly ever-increasing number of natural catastrophes. Yet this is mainly a consequence of CNN - we see many more but the number is roughly constant and we manage to deal much better with them over time. Globally the death rate from catastrophes has dropped about fifty-fold over the past century.

Sickness insanity and death were the angels that surrounded my cradle and they have followed me throughout my life.

Sin brought death and death will disappear with the disappearance of sin.