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You see people who have been very heavy in their life who have taken that body trimmed it down firmed it up through discipline exercise and being able to say no. Eating properly that all comes into it.

I've come up through art school through painting through graphic design through advertising through TV commercials and music video. I've designed books built billboards matchbooks corporate identities. I continuously paint I've done conceptual art pictures.

I brought a lot of my own pieces of clothes to the design room when I first met with the design team just so they could see what my style was like.

In any case his judgment and set of values acting alone or through his assistants determine not only what is gold and what is dross but the design of the history which he creates out of the metal. The historian decides what is significant and what is not.

I love graphic design. I love working with design and I love storytelling so I've been working on a children's book for a while and I'd like to see that through.

I have had this view of the optimization of the electrode design for a long time. Historically we went through various phases in the work and eventually worked on large sheets - very large sheets - of palladium.

Through all aspects of society be it art design the financial markets government technology or communications we are witnessing unprecedented global transformation - the result of which is impossible to predict.

Initially it was the unpractical in fashion that brought me to design my own line. I felt that it was much more attractive to cut clothes with respect for the living three-dimensional body rather than to cover the body with decorative ideas.

Throughout the country I see the same design problems and solutions over and over.

Through no divine design or cosmic plan we have inherited the mantle of life's caretaker on the earth the only home we have ever known.