Search For govern In Quotes 1413

Much can and must be done by governments but they cannot of themselves change lives.

Governments cannot make marriages or turn feckless individuals into responsible citizens. That needs another kind of change agent.

Is there any wonder why we are in such big trouble? Any question why the people don't trust their government anymore and demand a change?

The reality of split government puts a premium on creativity within the administration. President Obama needs to put the right people in charge of the agencies and then have them push the bounds of administrative power to change policy through those agencies. President Obama has a pretty good track record of this.

If you want to change the way your banking system is regulated if you want to learn the mistakes of what's gone wrong then you have to change your government.

Many people and governments share the mistaken belief that science with new ingenious devices and techniques can rescue us from the troubles we face without our having to mend our ways and change our patterns of activity. This is not so.

I ran for president in order to be able to try to change Washington D.C. from the inside. Our federal government is broken.

I think it true that you know sometimes things start to change even before a government changes and actually I think you can begin to see even the Labour machine beginning to understand that it has become over-reliant on targets and processes that local governments have been over-bossed and bullied.

It is time for corporate America to become 'the third pillar' of social change in our society complementing the first two pillars of government and philanthropy. We need the entire private sector to begin committing itself not just to making profits but to fulfilling higher and larger purposes by contributing to building a better world.

Our nation is being led astray by ungodly judges mayors and governors who are given to change defying the Constitution and substituting their own wicked agendas.