Search For govern In Quotes 1413

My brother Bob doesn't want to be in government - he promised Dad he'd go straight.

If you set as your goal to roll back the size of government you have an obligation to answer the tough questions and show real courage not just appeal to ideology. Treat the voters like adults.

Let me start with Yahoo. As we meet today a Chinese citizen who had the courage to speak his mind on the Internet is in prison because Yahoo chose to share his name and address with the Chinese Government.

As the first Hispanic female governor in history little girls often come up to me in the grocery store or the mall. They look and point and when they get the courage they ask 'Are you Susana?' and they run up and give me a hug.

An able disinterested public-spirited press with trained intelligence to know the right and courage to do it can preserve that public virtue without which popular government is a sham and a mockery.

America needs jobs smaller government less spending and a president with the courage to offer more than yet another speech.

From computers to information technology to airplanes it has been America's unique blend of republican government and free-market capitalism that has allowed us to surpass all other nations in history.

As our country increasingly relies on electronic information storage and communication it is imperative that our Government amend our information security laws accordingly.

As everyone in Louisiana knows there was often no communication or coordination between the state and federal government in the aftermath of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita.

What creates freedom? A revolution in the streets? Mass protest? Civil war? A change of government? The ousting of the old guard and its replacement by the new? History more often than not shows that hopes raised by such events are often dashed sooner rather than later.

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I can have my goals and I can have my dreams. My goal is to make the finals and improve my position. I want to run all decent races. I don't want to look back and say I ran a terrible race.