Search For versa In Quotes 327

In England only uneducated people show off their knowledge nobody quotes Latin or Greek authors in the course of conversation unless he has never read them.

We do not need to be shoemakers to know if our shoes fit and just as little have we any need to be professionals to acquire knowledge of matters of universal interest.

The universal Mind contains all knowledge. It is the potential ultimate of all things. To it all things are possible.

If you first fortify yourself with the true knowledge of the Universal Self and then live in the midst of wealth and worldliness surely they will in no way affect you.

But by providing the background picture - the universal situational awareness that we desire - by showing the anomalies the Space-Based Radar will change the nature of how we do our analysis and our intelligence.

Sometimes a character is really based on research that you do. Other times it's just based on your imagination or perhaps your conversation with the director. Or sometimes all of the above. It depends on the movie and character.

There's something about Southern women that is so unique yet so universal. Strong southern women are allowed to be soft and feminine and have a sense of humor. But what I love about Southern women in particular is their universality.

A farce or slapstick humor does well universally.

The first ingredient in conversation is truth the next good sense the third good humor and the fourth wit.

In conversation humor is worth more than wit and easiness more than knowledge.