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Every day the eye is subject to a thousand tiny shocks as a thousand industries compete for the eye-kick the visual hook that will lock the consumer into product for that crucial second where the tiny - or not so tiny - leap of the imagination is made.

I love the diversity of America. I love the plain normal sense of humor Americans have. It is not wicked like in some countries. And I also love how new America is.

It's a different outlook and one that I understand. When you are a former member of the Warsaw Pact when you have lived behind the Berlin Wall when you have experienced the communist systems that existed in these countries for them the West represents hope.

My hope is that countries like Morocco will have investment to create work so people don't have to leave.

Ironically Latin American countries in their instability give writers and intellectuals the hope that they are needed.

I hope that none of the countries in the Middle East are planning anything but the peaceful utilization of nuclear energy.

But since her earliest days America has inspired people from all over the world. Inspired them with the hope that one day their own countries would be one like this one.

I think a submarine is a very worthwhile weapon. I believe we can defend ourselves with submarines and all our troops back at home. This whole idea that we have to be in 130 countries and 900 bases... is an old-fashioned idea.

I think that both men Bush and Blair will be damned in history. Both men have made their respective countries the two most hated countries in the world.

I don't see women and think of them as competition or with judgment. Women really move me. I feel connected to all kinds of women. I am angry because I think we've been mistreated throughout history in different countries including America. I admire women.