Search For sports In Quotes 599

Academics often discount the value of top-rated sports programs in helping to develop a campus life and in contributing to the overall success of a college or university. Like it or not the sports programs a college or university has are the front page of that university.

The 'Sports Illustrated' cover was the last thing I shot. That week I told my agent 'You know what I really... I don't want to be a model anymore. I really want to do movies.' And I think he wanted to wring my neck at the moment.

I was always very independent and looked out for myself. I think that ability really helped me in later years both in sports and in theatre.

I lived in a town of 400 until I was like nine or ten. My dad coached all the sports - he was a gym teacher and health teacher for grades K-12.

The sports world is an echo chamber. All it takes is one quote from a general manager and a thousand sports columns bloom.

People who think they know what they are talking about when they talk about baseball include the announcers and all of the sports press - no matter how much evidence you present them to the contrary they will continue to think that what they think is right.

I tried to get a baseball movie made a couple of years ago and I don't think it didn't happen because I was a woman but because sports movie don't sell internationally.

Professional sports are something they can't control.

When you have a background in combat sports people think you're this martial arts expert but really I'm just a guy who is able to do certain things without making a mess of himself.

We're a crazy country about sports but for the longest time only followed our own sports.