Search For solution In Quotes 156

Our solution on 'The Simpsons' is to do jokes that people who have an education or some frame of reference can get. And for the ones who don't it doesn't matter because we have Homer banging his head and saying 'D'oh!'

Outright bans on plastic bags may not be the best solution but education and incentives to get people to stop using them are necessary.

We must promote upward mobility starting with solutions that speak to our broken education system broken immigration policy and broken safety-net programs that foster dependency instead of helping people get back on their feet.

I like starting off the new year fresh. I'm excited to see how 2013 turns out. Maybe because I'm an actress and I am always on a diet and fitness program but my New Year's resolution is to let myself be nice to myself about my body.

But if you pick up every other magazine it is the peanut butter diet or the cabbage soup diet and then you go to the radio and you hear that you can drink some solution and you will lose weight overnight. It just does not work that way!

It seems every year people make the resolution to exercise and lose weight and get in shape.

Throughout the country I see the same design problems and solutions over and over.

Sometimes you start with the drawing and then the gag comes to you in the middle of it. That is when you start working on the solution of the gag which is composition placing equilibrium and character design.

I am persuaded that if any attempt is made to improve the education of the poor and such an unmanly spirit should guide the resolution of a society or committee for that purpose it would render the design abortive.

We must carefully consider card security solutions such as adding photographs or machine-readable electronic strips so to prevent further breaches of individual privacy that could result from changes to the design of Social Security Cards.

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I think one of the downsides of the sort of obsession with romantic love and personal fulfillment is that the plain fact of the matter is that those feelings don't last for ever and so they better be replaced and reinforced by things that do.