Search For medical In Quotes 255

The great medical facilities are a relief for the parents too who don't have to think about caring for their young ones on their own for a weekend. They have a great time.

We cannot sacrifice innocent human life now for vague and exaggerated promises of medical treatments thirty of forty years from now. There are ways to pursue this technology and respect life at the same time.

With tens of thousands of patients dying every year from preventable medical errors it is imperative that we embrace available technologies and drastically improve the way medical records are handled and processed.

Corporate governance is a huge issue too. We don't have women on these corporate boards. More than half of the students in law school are women more than half of the women I think in medical school now are women.

I decided to start a medical training program for freelancers only freelancers. They're the ones who are doing most of the combat reporting. They're taking most of the risks. They're absorbing most of the casualties. And they're the most underserved and under-resourced of everyone in the entire news business.

The whole story of the comfort women the system of forced sexual slavery the medical experiments of Unit 731 is not something that is in the US psyche. That is changing because many books are coming out.

Informed consent is required for every invasive medical procedure from getting your ears pierced to having an abortion.

Without true medical liability reform our doctors will continue to leave and young doctors coming out of medical school $100 000 to $200 000 in debt will not be able to afford such onerous costs.

Long gone are the days when hospital stays and surgeries made up the bulk of seniors' annual medical expenses.

I can help a lot of other people who've gone through the same thing by building a center that will help men and women who don't have the funds to take care of themselves and get the medical treatment.