Search For mater In Quotes 222

Men are not great or small because of their material possessions. They are great or small because of what they are.

Great men are they who see that spiritual is stronger than any material force - that thoughts rule the world.

Material possessions winning scores and great reputations are meaningless in the eyes of the Lord because He knows what we really are and that is all that matters.

In the Pentagon Papers case the government asserted in the Supreme Court that the publication of the material was a threat to national security. It turned out it was not a threat to U.S. security. But even if it had been that doesn't mean that it couldn't be published.

Bureaucracy gives birth to itself and then expects maternity benefits.

My Alma mater was books a good library... I could spend the rest of my life reading just satisfying my curiosity.

We don't have enough support for maternal leave and the kinds of things that some of the European countries do. So we still make it hard on women to go into the work force and feel that they can be good at work but then doing the most important job which is raising your children in a responsible and positive way.

I am convinced that material things can contribute a lot to making one's life pleasant but basically if you do not have very good friends and relatives who matter to you life will be really empty and sad and material things cease to be important.

Few nations have been so poor as to have but one god. Gods were made so easily and the raw material cost so little that generally the god market was fairly glutted and heaven crammed with these phantoms.

If you tell God no because He won't explain the reason He wants you to do something you are actually hindering His blessing. But when you say yes to Him all of heaven opens to pour out His goodness and reward your obedience. What matters more than material blessings are the things He is teaching us in our spirit.