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I don't think I'm a total pessimist so I think you can find hope in all my films.

We have three generations at home including my father-in-law. I keep a very low profile and a lot of things I do are very much with the family in mind. I have actually made films with the family around me.

I am at home in many cultures. I live actively in three continents and I've done that for most of my life so I just make films as I see the world and that happens to speak to people. I do things that I want to do.

You earn very little money on independent films and I'm the provider for my home so I do have to think of taking one for the accountant time and again and that means studio pictures.

When I make a film I'm away from home for two to three months. So I want my kids to look at my films one day and say I love his movies I love his choices-because he loved them.

I think they quite like me when I work because I'm one of the safer directors to back because even if my films don't bring their costs in back home once they're shown outside of India they manage to cover the costs.

Why should people go out and pay money to see bad films when they can stay at home and see bad television for nothing?

If I had a choice as to my perfect career I would make a couple of films a year and then concentrate on natural history.

The process of making natural history films is to try to prevent the animal knowing you are there so you get glimpses of a non-human world and that is a transporting thing.

I don't have incredible knowledge about films or of filmmaking history I'm not that kind of person.