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The shortest period of time lies between the minute you put some money away for a rainy day and the unexpected arrival of rain.

In any investment you expect to have fun and make money.

I was given baby doll toys myself and they proved a stark reminder that my life was expected to revolve around childbearing - just as my mom's had before me and her mom's had before her.

So far I'm not surprised by anything about being a mom. It's all pretty great - but that's what I expected.

My mom and I used to listen to records read and take train rides across the country in the summer. It was a very chill life. She didn't expose me to anything that was ahead of my development but she expected me to adjust to her world - she did not expect to adjust to mine.

There is frequently more to be learned from the unexpected questions of a child than the discourses of men.

When men sow the wind it is rational to expect that they will reap the whirlwind.

Men are able to trust one another knowing the exact degree of dishonesty they are entitled to expect.

Things that I felt absolutely sure of but a few years ago I do not believe now. This thought makes me see more clearly how foolish it would be to expect all men to agree with me.

There is always a type of man who says he loves his fellow men and expects to make a living at it.