Search For ending In Quotes 341

I was made to believe there was a plan in place for ending Donald's previous marriage. I pulled away because I wanted to allow him the time to deal with his wife.

Isn't that the ultimate homeland security standing up and defending marriage?

In a bad marriage friends are the invisible glue. If we have enough friends we may go on for years intending to leave talking about leaving - instead of actually getting up and leaving.

Spending only what the country can afford rewarding savings encouraging independence supporting marriage: people know that these things are common sense.

The problem for those who assert biblical authority in support of traditional definitions of marriage is that one could with equal validity assert that the lending of money or certain kinds of haircuts are forbidden by God or that slavery and the subjugation of women are authorized by the Lord.

True love stories never have endings.

Because we have so much eye candy and mind candy spending so much time trying to pay the rent all of this conspires to keep us from thinking too hard or taking action from that. Our time is stolen. So much of our daily life is stolen.

Life's like a movie write your own ending. Keep believing keep pretending.

Father in spite of all this spending of money in learning Latin I will be a painter.

To the Kenyan families school doesn't really matter because none of them are going on to college. Almost all of drop out of school and so they're spending their time learning things that are important to them.