I was brought up with psychics and tarot cards. My mum was always told I was going to be in a boy band and be famous as a singer.
I have also just finished three weeks on a soap opera in England. The soap opera is a rather famous one called Crossroads. It was first on television 25 years ago and it has recently been brought back. I play the part of a businessman called David Wheeler.
While we are being fascinated by the tales of famous serial killers and how they were brought to justice the real serial killer goes about his business with hardly a thought to being caught.
You want a hero in the music world? James Brown. He brought a feeling to music without really using words. He's just famous for his sound.
The importance of human life should be universally respected - and that refers to children before they are born and after. All children have the right to be brought up in a loving two-parent family where the notion of divorce is not even possible.
My family brought me up to be very respectful of people.
For me it's about the way I carry myself and the way I treat other people. My relationship and how I feel about God and what He does for me is something deeply personal. It's where I came from my family I was brought up in a religious household and that's very important to me.
Soon we saw that money going to women brought much more benefit to the family than money going to the men. So we changed our policy and gave a high priority to women. As a result now 96% of our four million borrowers in Grameen Bank are women.
I'm a girl from a good family who was very well brought up. One day I turned my back on it all and became a bohemian.
My family and I would never receive royalties on the revenue that my materials brought into the church materials that were created on our own personal time.