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Some of the greatest actors have turned superheroes into a serious business: Michael Keaton and Jack Nicholson in 'Batman' Ian McKellen and Patrick Stewart the first venerable knights of the X-Men who have now passed the baton to Michael Fassbender and James McAvoy.

I feel lazy when I'm not working. I learned all my business sense from my dad. He always believed in me and I think the last thing he said to me before he passed away was 'I know you're gonna be OK. I'm not worried about you'.

The Metropolitan Museum of Art is unsurpassed at presenting more than 50 centuries of work. I go there constantly seeing things over and over better than I've ever seen them before.

History repeats itself but the special call of an art which has passed away is never reproduced. It is as utterly gone out of the world as the song of a destroyed wild bird.

It was very hard for all of us. It's still very hard. The anniversary of his death just passed and every single one of his friends still after all these years... it's unbelievable.

Last week the House of Representatives passed a resolution honoring the victims and heroes of September 11th. As we commemorate the anniversary of 9-11 we must also remember that the threat is still very real today.

The day before the anniversary of D-Day we lost a man who was equaled by few and surpassed by none as a leader in the cause of freedom: Ronald Reagan.

My relationship with my mom is so amazing. We never got to have that stage that people go through like when you're 13 and you think you're too cool for your parents. When you're embarrassed by them and stuff. We never went through that because I was constantly working and she constantly had to be there.

I'm glad that my parents missed one thing that was really unbelievable. They saw me hit this great success. It was a blast and we had a lot of laughs. And it was just an amazing time. They passed away. And then after I got you know famous all these haters came out of nowhere.

Tell me why is the media here so negative? Why are we in India so embarrassed to recognise our own strengths our achievements? We are such a great nation. We have so many amazing success stories but we refuse to acknowledge them. Why?