The art of government is the organisation of idolatry.
In general the art of government consists of taking as much money as possible from one class of citizens to give to another.
Maybe we can show government how to operate better as a result of better architecture. Eventually I think Chicago will be the most beautiful great city left in the world.
Convinced as I am and as I am from my government that the world needs a new moral architecture over all I believe that this should be the first topic to debate in our world of today ethics moral.
The greatest advances of civilization whether in architecture or painting in science and literature in industry or agriculture have never come from centralized government.
Insurgents have capitalized on popular resentment and anger towards the United States and the Iraqi government to build their own political financial and military support and the faith of Iraqi citizens in their new government has been severely undermined.
We are losing sight of civility in government and politics. Debate and dialogue is taking a back seat to the politics of destruction and anger and control. Dogma has replaced thoughtful discussion between people of differing views.
If you spend enough time in or around Washington you'll meet amazing people who work for the government.
If government and media and all of us in the Australian tribe got together and the rock industry we'd just be the greatest cultural force the world has ever seen - we're such an amazing race.
It is amazing to think after all that has happened in this country in the last few years the last few decades that so many people have this blind faith that government is our friend and therefore so we don't need protections against it.