Search For govern In Quotes 1413

Anyone who knows history particularly the history of Europe will I think recognize that the domination of education or of government by any one particular religious faith is never a happy arrangement for the people.

An educated people can be easily governed.

Poor people cannot rely on the government to come to help you in times of need. You have to get your education. Then nobody can control your destiny.

What are the Democrats the party of Jim Matheson telling them? The message of the Democrats is that the Amercian dream is over. 'The government is all you have. Give up your dreams and the government will save you the government will heal you the government will be your hope and change.' We know here in Utah none of that is true.

We have lost that which has made us great over the generations and that is the sense of individual and personal responsibility that we can come up we can pursue our dreams and our aspirations and we won't be blocked by government regulation by the inability to get a loan as a small business to make our dreams come true.

No one should negotiate their dreams. Dreams must be free to fly high. No government no legislature has a right to limit your dreams. You should never agree to surrender your dreams.

The Diet was dissolved by a Reich Government decree.

Each of us should take personal responsibility for our diet and our children's diet and the government's role should be to make certain it provides the best information possible to help people stay healthy.

And just when we were at the end of our design process there was the news that the Italian government and the U.S. government had signed an agreement to fly the first Italian astronaut on that flight.

Through all aspects of society be it art design the financial markets government technology or communications we are witnessing unprecedented global transformation - the result of which is impossible to predict.