Some of us learned in a school of philosophy which taught that all was for the common good and nothing for oneself and have never in any case regarded the pursuit of happiness as anything other than an aberration of the human spirit.
We learn the inner secret of happiness when we learn to direct our inner drives our interest and our attention to something besides ourselves.
Although the skills aren't hard to learn finding the happiness and finding the satisfaction and finding fulfillment in continuously serving somebody else something good to eat is what makes a really good restaurant.
Happiness always looks small while you hold it in your hands but let it go and you learn at once how big and precious it is.
I have learned to seek my happiness by limiting my desires rather than in attempting to satisfy them.
I do believe that if you haven't learnt about sadness you cannot appreciate happiness.
Everything has its wonders even darkness and silence and I learn whatever state I may be in therein to be content.
I am determined to be cheerful and happy in whatever situation I may find myself. For I have learned that the greater part of our misery or unhappiness is determined not by our circumstance but by our disposition.
I wanted to learn everything I could about what it takes to be a great chef. It was a turning point for me.
Grown men can learn from very little children for the hearts of little children are pure. Therefore the Great Spirit may show to them many things which older people miss.