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Ethics is in origin the art of recommending to others the sacrifices required for cooperation with oneself.

Admiration for a quality or an art can be so strong that it deters us from striving to possess it.

When that shutter clicks anything else that can be done afterward is not worth consideration.

Art is a collaboration between God and the artist and the less the artist does the better.

Technological considerations are of great importance to architecture and cities in the informational society.

I acquired an admiration for Japanese culture art and architecture and learned of the existence of the game of GO which I still play.

You look at the steamboat the railroad the car the airplane - not all of these were invented in the Anglo-American world but they were popularized and extended by it. They were made possible by the financial architecture the capital intensive operations invented and developed by the Anglo-Americans.

After about the first Millennium Italy was the cradle of Romanesque architecture which spread throughout Europe much of it extending the structural daring with minimal visual elaboration.

Information and inspiration are everywhere... history art architecture everything an illustrator needs. Europe is after all the land that has generated most of the enduring myths and legends of Western culture.

Any architectural project we do takes at least four or five years so increasingly there is a discrepancy between the acceleration of culture and the continuing slowness of architecture.