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This generation... they have a different attitude. Instead of sitting and watching something they want to be a part of it - they're very hedonistic and sensual.

The purely agitation attitude is not good enough for a detailed consideration of a subject.

I came back to performing with a different attitude about performing and myself. I wasn't expecting perfection any more just hoping for an occasional inspiration.

Oh I don't think Tom Sowell would tell anybody to join the administration. That's not his style. But I think his attitude has always been if it had to be done he'd prefer me to do it than somebody else.

I met my grandfather just before he died and it was the first time that I had seen Dad with a relative of his. It was interesting to see my own father as a son and the body language and alteration in attitude that comes with that and it sort of changed our relationship for the better.

The purely agitational attitude is not good enough for a detailed consideration of a subject.

No rational argument will have a rational effect on a man who does not want to adopt a rational attitude.

The greatest discovery of my generation is that man can alter his life simply by altering his attitude of mind.

I view art as an inspirational tool.

Wisdom is nothing but a preparation of the soul a capacity a secret art of thinking feeling and breathing thoughts of unity at every moment of life.

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With nine degrees of warming computer models project that Australia will look like a disaster movie. Habitats for most vertebrates will vanish. Water supply to the Murray-Darling Basin will fall by half severely curtailing food production.