Search For stick In Quotes 141

I'm getting a lot of stick because my character in 'Young Dracula' wanted to be vampire so now that I am a vampire everyone's like 'You finally did it!' But it's cool and I loved doing 'Young Dracula.' That show's finished and I don't know why it ended so it was brilliant to go into 'Being Human ' which is like the adult version of it.

Cool things happen. Ace's guitar flies through space goes through a hole and blows up. I throw drumsticks and they come flying at you.

I didn't want to come up with some generic Johnny Bravo type name. I'm not that cool so I might as well stick with my birth name.

My parents were vegetarians. I'd show up at school this giant black kid with none of the cool clothes and a tofu sandwich and celery sticks.

I think the great sketch shows like 'Python' and 'Mr. Show ' they didn't stick around for very long. There's something kind of cool about that.

If you do a trick and it doesn't work out that can stick with you. I like to go back nail the trick and 'OK I'm cool it's all good.'

It's really cool to see glowsticks at the show to see dance music culture infiltrating and becoming one with the metal community.

President Obama's version of America is a divided one - pitting us against each other based on our income level gender and social status. His policies have failed! We are not better off than we were 4 years ago and no rhetoric bumper sticker or campaign ad can change that.

My mom was always saying: 'Be whatever you want to be but stick with it. Don't waver. Don't change who you are for anybody.'

I don't have perfect teeth I'm not stick thin. I want to be the person who feels great in her body and can say that she loves it and doesn't want to change anything.