Search For spending In Quotes 144

I'm less worried about accomplishment - as younger people always can't help but be - and more concerned with spending my time well spending time with my family and reading learning things.

I am suspending my presidential campaign because of the continued distractions the continued hurt caused on me and my family not because we are not fighters. Not because I'm not a fighter.

Going home and spending time with your family and your real friends keeps you grounded.

Greece's European neighbors were able step in and bolster the weak foundation on which Greece's free-spending budget was based. It would be difficult for any country or intergovernmental organization to rescue an economy the size of the U.S. if investors were ever to lose faith in our bonds because of our enormous debt.

Past experience with fiscal austerity at home and overseas strongly suggests that it is best for the economy's long-run performance to restrain government spending rather than raise taxes.

When they call the slightest spending reductions 'painful' we will say 'If government spending prevents pain why are we suffering so much of it?' And 'If you want to experience real pain just stay on the track we are on.'

In order to experience everyday spirituality we need to remember that we are spiritual beings spending some time in a human body.

Increased awareness and education could be a great help toward improving spending and saving habits and increasing participation and contribution levels to retirement plans.

You can't stand for too many things. You can't use the bully pulpit for too many things. So I promise you every day I am going to talk about jobs spending and education.

The zeitgeist is for cutting spending and balancing the budget. But I do not want the Republican Party to be perceived as putting the budget ahead of people jobs and education.

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What does kissing really mean to me? To me if you feel when you kiss a girl that certain feeling of all those dolphins like swimming through your blood stream and you get those good tingles inside your stomach I don't think there's any better feeling.