Do the bishops seriously imagine that legalising gay marriage will result in thousands of parties to heterosexual marriages suddenly deciding to get divorced so they can marry a person of the same sex?
In 1977 we played America and Europe three times and Japan - my marriage suffered as a result. My then wife took the kids to Canada to be near her parents.
Like everything which is not the involuntary result of fleeting emotion but the creation of time and will any marriage happy or unhappy is infinitely more interesting than any romance however passionate.
Behold my friends the spring is come the earth has gladly received the embraces of the sun and we shall soon see the results of their love!
I do not deny that I planned sabotage. I did not plan it in a spirit of recklessness nor because I have any love of violence. I planned it as a result of a calm and sober assessment of the political situation that had arisen after many years of tyranny exploitation and oppression of my people by the whites.
People love chopping wood. In this activity one immediately sees results.
Let everyone try and find that as a result of daily prayer he adds something new to his life something with which nothing can be compared.
Nothing in life is so exhilarating as to be shot at without result.
What is important in life is life and not the result of life.
Our life always expresses the result of our dominant thoughts.