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Politics... have always been the systematic organization of hatreds.

Politics as a practise whatever its professions has always been the systematic organization of hatreds.

Politics as a practice whatever its professions has always been the systematic organization of hatreds.

In politics an organized minority is a political majority.

Politics is the conspiracy of the unproductive but organized against the productive but unorganized.

You know the media and politicians are always gonna be in a bit of tension with one another and probably most of the time that's healthy and indeed even creative. But it's where - it's really when news organisations are used as kind of instruments of politics that it gets tricky.

Politics is organized hatred that is unity.

Before I went to jail I was active in politics as a member of South Africa's leading organization - and I was generally busy from 7 A.M. until midnight. I never had time to sit and think.

The whole thing about making films in an organic film on location is that it's not all about characters relationships and themes it's also about place and the poetry of place. It's about the spirit of what you find the accidents of what you stumble across.

The Peace Corps is an outstanding organization that promotes peace through helping countless individuals who want to help build a better life for the community in which they serve.